WordPress V2.xTemplate Tag Reference Guide as of Version 2.x
Presented by:

Author Tags
Author the_author();
The author of a post can be displayed by using this Template Tag. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Description the_author_description();
Displays the contents of the About yourself field in an author's Profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). About yourself is a block of text often used to publicly describe the user and can be quite long. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_description(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Login the_author_login();
This tag displays the login name for the author of a post. The login is also referred to as the Username an author uses to gain access to a WordPress blog. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_login(); ?>
No Parameters
Author First Name the_author_firstname();
This tag displays the first name for the author of a post. The First Name field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_firstname(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Last Name the_author_lastname();
This tag displays the last name for the author of a post. The Last Name field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_lastname(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Nickname the_author_nickname();
This tag displays the nickname for the author of a post. The Nickname field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_nickname(); ?>
No Parameters
Author ID the_author_ID();
Displays the unique numeric user ID for the author of a post; the ID is assigned by WordPress when a user account is created. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_ID(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Emailthe_author_email();
This tag displays the email address for the author of a post. The E-mail field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_email(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Website URLthe_author_url();
This tag displays the email address for the author of a post. The E-mail field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_url(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Linkthe_author_link();
This tag displays a link to the Website for the author of a post. The Website field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). The text for the link is the author's Profile Display name publicly as field. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_link(); ?>
No Parameters
Author AIM Screennamethe_author_aim();
This tag displays the AOL Instant Messenger screenname for the author of a post. The AIM field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_aim(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Yahoo IM IDthe_author_yim();
This tag displays the Yahoo IM ID for the author of a post. The Yahoo IM field is set in the user's profile (Administration > Profile > Your Profile). This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_yim(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Poststhe_author_posts();
Displays the total number of posts an author has published. Drafts and private posts are not counted. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php the_author_posts(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Posts Linkthe_author_posts_link();
Displays a link to all posts by an author. The link text is the user's Display name publicly as field. The results of clicking on the presented link will be controlled by the Template Hierarchy of Author Templates. This tag must be used within The Loop
<?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
No Parameters
Author Listwp_list_authors();
Displays a list of the blog's authors (users), and if the user has authored any posts, the author name is displayed as a link to their posts. Optionally this tag displays each author's post count and RSS feed link.
<?php wp_list_authors('arguments'); ?>
code with Multiple Parameters
<?php wp_list_authors('exclude_admin=1&show_fullname=0'); ?>
Display number of published posts by each author.
<?php wp_list_authors('optioncount=1'); ?>
1 (true)
0 (false)
Exclude the 'admin' (login is admin) account from authors list.
<?php wp_list_authors('exclude_admin=0'); ?>>
1 (true)
0 (false)
Display the full (first and last) name of the authors. If false, the nickname is displayed.
<?php wp_list_authors('show_fullname=1'); ?>>
1 (true)
0 (false)
Do not display authors with 0 posts..
<?php wp_list_authors('hide_empty=0'); ?>
1 (true)
0 (false)
Text to display for a link to each author's RSS feed. Default is no text, and no feed displayed.
<?php wp_list_authors('feed=RSS'); ?>
Path/filename for a graphic. This acts as a link to each author's RSS feed, and overrides the feed parameter.
<?php wp_list_authors('feed_image=images/picture.jpg'); ?>>