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Why User Personas Are Key To Successful Website Design

Design Strategy
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Every journey starts with a simple truth: “Know thyself.”

This wisdom about finding clarity and purpose has existed forever. You need to discern this about your website users.

“Knowing thy audience” is the first step to successfully launching or updating a website.

It’s essential.

Creating user personas or website personas is key to achieving this. A successful web project relies on the insights of these personas.

Businesses often invest heavily in a website redesign without truly understanding their audience, instead of jumping right in. Overhauling the layout. Adding flashy graphics. Streamlining the checkout process.

Only after the launch did they realize an overlooked crucial step: understanding their audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors.

It’s a costly lesson.


What are Personas?

A persona portrays a fictionalized segment of your target audience.

They are developed to understand the likely needs, preferences, and behaviors of a group represented by a generalized profile. While containing many specifics, personas are painted with a broad brush.

Website user personas help businesses or design agencies understand the target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and pain points.

There are other types of personas. We’re focusing on personas that support website development and design.

Gathering Real Intel for Fictitious Personas

Just like fiction is often based on reality, personas use information to create composite profiles. There are numerous sources of information to identify goals, frustrations, personality attributes, etc. It may be a mix of qualitative and quantitative information.

Conduct interviews with customers or users

Engage in genuine conversations with real people. In addition to discerning their goals, motivations, and pain points, pay close attention to the words they use and the energy they bring to the conversations.

Surveys and Reviews

It’s great to get five-star reviews. The real money can be found in the less-than-complementary reviews. Consider sending out a survey to your subscriber list.


Google Analytics demographics of customers, their age range, gender, geographic location, affinities such as hobbies, etc. You can also see the ratio of male-to-female. Google Search Console can provide information about keywords not tied to a specific type of person.

User Behavior Data

Analyzing data patterns like frequently visited pages, time spent on pages, and user flows, you can gain insight into motivations. For example, time spent on sight might indicate the need for better information, more prominent calls to action. Once you get the data, the next step is figuring out its meaning.

Other Resources

For B2B website projects, look at your LinkedIn followers and your targeted audiences working for companies you want to do business with. Their profiles can provide incredible insight about their goals and needs. The work history can help you identify their circle of influence. Job boards, like Indeed, can also provide valuable insights about personas. Companies telegraph what they want in a job candidate who may be one of your personas.

Most of these points touch on who may be existing customers. Your plans may involve reaching new audiences. Some of these steps may still work. New audiences may require more conjecture. That’s ok. A persona can be honed as you begin gather intel on new users.


What to Include in Website Personas

Illustration showing parts of a persona

Creating effective website personas involves more than just collecting demographic data. It requires a deep understanding of your target audience's motivations, goals, pain points, and behavior patterns.

By including these critical components in your personas, you can align your website design, messaging, content strategy, and marketing efforts with your audience's specific needs and preferences, ultimately driving engagement, conversions, and customer satisfaction.


Demographic characteristics such as age, role/job title, organization, and industry are crucial components of website personas. Demographics of a website persona influence its design and development by guiding aesthetic, usability, content, and product decisions to align with the specific needs and preferences of the target audience.


Developing a backstory for a persona helps the development team empathize with that person and place themselves in the persona's mindset. This narrative approach humanizes the data, making it more relatable and actionable.

Personality Insights

Understanding the general demeanor and behavioral tendencies of personas aids in crafting appropriate messaging, user pathways, and voice and tone for the website. This personalization enhances user experience and strengthens brand-consumer relationships. Myers Briggs and Enneagram personalities or the classic Jungian archetypes can offer insights when developing personas.

Information Resources (Touchpoints)

Identifying the channels, organizations, and places where each persona engages helps plan targeted marketing campaigns. Linking these touchpoints back to the website enhances traffic and conversion rates.


Fleshing out the goals of each persona aligns website content, navigation, and features with user expectations, leading to a more satisfying user experience and higher conversion rates.

Pain Points

Identifying user frustrations and challenges helps a website design project resolve user issues and increase overall satisfaction with a more intuitive experience or helpful tools and features.

Circle of Influence

Understanding the influencers in a persona's decision-making process helps tailor content and features to meet their needs, further enhancing user experience and brand loyalty.

Messaging Examples

In a B2B website persona, including initial messaging is crucial for demonstrating an understanding of the audience, guiding content creation, driving engagement and conversion, setting accurate expectations, and efficiently acquiring customers.

In the end, personas provide a playbook for any team members working with marketing content, especially for the website. Having personas helps focus action.

How to Redesign Your B2B Website

Examples of Website Personas

Let's bring the concept of website personas to life with practical examples. We'll showcase real-world examples of website personas, demonstrating how different industries and target audiences can be represented through personas.

By exploring these examples, you'll gain insights into creating and tailoring personas for your website projects, ensuring that your design and content strategies resonate effectively with your target audience.

Example Website Persona

Name: Joseph, Production Manager


Age: 35-45

Role/Job Title: Production Manager

Organization: Precision Engineering Ltd. (Manufacturing Firm)

Industry: Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing

Joseph is the Production Manager at Precision Engineering Ltd., a leading industrial equipment manufacturer. He oversees production processes, equipment maintenance, and resource allocation. Joseph is focused on maximizing production efficiency, reducing downtime, and ensuring product quality.
Personality Insights
He  is detail-oriented, proactive, and results-driven. He seeks solutions that improve manufacturing processes, optimize equipment performance, and minimize operational costs. He values reliability, durability, and innovation in industrial equipment suppliers. The “Sage” archetype fits Joseph because it embodies traits like wisdom, knowledge-seeking behavior, rationality, and a focus on education and guidance.
Information Resources (Touchpoints)
In his role, Joseph gathers information from industry publications, equipment expos, and supplier catalogs to stay updated on new technologies and industry trends. When evaluating potential vendors, he relies on supplier referrals, equipment demonstrations, and case studies.
Joseph's primary goals include increasing production output, improving equipment reliability, and reducing maintenance downtime. He seeks industrial equipment suppliers that offer innovative solutions, responsive customer support, and ongoing training for his team.
Pain Points
His challenges include equipment breakdowns, production bottlenecks, and meeting tight production schedules. He looks for suppliers that provide reliable equipment, preventive maintenance programs, and quick turnaround times for repairs.
Persuasion Points
To persuade Joseph, industrial equipment suppliers must emphasize features like advanced automation, predictive maintenance capabilities, energy efficiency, and cost-effective solutions. Demonstrating ROI and long-term partnership benefits is crucial in gaining his trust and business.
Production Goals 
Budget constraints and equipment performance data influence Influence Joseph's decisions. A supplier that offers tailored solutions, ongoing support, and value-added services will become a preferred partner for Precision Engineering Ltd.
Sample Messaging
  • Maximize Production Efficiency
  • Minimize Delays
  • Reliable Equipment Keeps Your Lines Running
Potential Keyword Phrases
  • Energy-Efficient Robotic Welding Systems 
  • Predictive Maintenance Solutions to Reduce Downtime in Heavy Machinery
  • Preventive Maintenance in Precision Machining
  • ROI Calculator for Industrial Equipment Upgrades


Harness Personas for Effective Website Design and Marketing

Personas drive the success of website design, providing insights that drive personalized user experiences and effective marketing strategies.

Think of personas like the intel before heading somewhere for a vacation. You should know the climate, the dining options, and things to do, etc.

As you begin your design or redesign project with newfound clarity, consider the importance of “Knowing thy audience” and develop website personas to ensure your website resonates with your target audience.

At DBS, we craft comprehensive website personas and leverage them to develop websites that drive results.

Contact us today to experience our deep-thinking approach to your website’s success.

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