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Hexagon image collection from itel home page
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Unifying the Claims Processing Ecosystem for itel

Web Development
Clock symbol 12 Min Read

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itel's website provides critical support to key stakeholders in the claims process when insured property is damaged.

As a leading provider of property claims solutions, itel needed to consolidate its subsidiary brands and unify its operations on the main company website as the digital hub supporting itel’s ultimate goal of removing friction from the claims process.

Beyond claims-related services, the company also provides information about repair and replacement materials and pricing, including a popular mobile app used by insurance carriers, adjusters, and policyholders involved in property claims processes.

The company chose DBS to redesign their website so it could do more work and provide more value to visitors. The new site would consolidate itel’s many services and subsidiary brands under one umbrella, strengthen their market positioning, enhance the user experience, and support the company’s future plans for growth.


Project Objectives

The redevelopment of itel’s website was not just a digital makeover. It was a strategic initiative aimed at achieving specific goals and objectives. The project relied on a comprehensive and meticulously crafted strategy.

Strengthen the Brand

Our primary goal was to reinforce itel’s position as a market leader in property claims solutions. This involved consolidating all services under a unified brand umbrella, showcasing the company’s commitment to removing friction from the claims process and highlighting its extensive data-driven solutions.

Elevate Thought Leadership

Positioning itel as an industry authority was another crucial objective, establishing them as an innovator and trusted source in the field. The site needed to showcase unparalleled expertise, a vast database of building materials, insightful content, case studies, and industry-leading perspectives.

Enhance the User Experience

The new website needed to seamlessly cater to insurance carriers, adjusters, service providers, homeowners, potential employees, and investors. It needed to provide a superior user experience by ensuring intuitive navigation, easy access to relevant information, and tools that worked on any platform.


Lastly, we focused on building a website foundation that could grow alongside itel’s expanding services. With an eye on updates, enhancements, and integrations, we ensured that the website remains flexible and adaptable, serving as a valuable asset for the company’s long-term success.

By framing our strategy around these goals and objectives, we established the foundation that informed every aspect of the website’s design, development, and functionality. It sets the stage for a successful website that aligns with business goals, engages users effectively, and drives sustainable growth.


Our Challenges

Identifying and navigating challenges is a crucial aspect of any project, especially complex B2B website development. We didn’t shy away from itel's challenges, addressing them in our initial strategy and development phases to ensure the project solved those issues.

In the case of itel's website redevelopment, the challenges of consolidating services, catering to diverse user needs, and future-proofing the website were pivotal to creating a scalable digital platform that would support itel’s long-term business goals and deliver a healthy ROI.

The Hurdles

  • Consolidation of Services: Unify multiple services under a single brand while maintaining clarity and ease of use.
  • Diverse User Needs: Cater to different user groups with specific needs and expectations.
  • Future-Proofing: Develop a website that can accommodate future enhancements and growth.


Understanding the Goals at Every Step

Collection of itel personas

Personas informed user stories and design.

Personas and User Stories

Creating itel's various website personas and documenting their pain points through user stories was critical to guiding our approach to the new site's navigation, content, messaging, and features/functions. User stories are individual journeys that these personas might take once they land on itel's website.

Here are some examples:

  • Insurance Carriers: Need to easily discover and utilize additional itel solutions.
    • User Story: As an insurance carrier, I want to find new itel services quickly so I can improve our claims processing.
  • Insurance Adjusters and Contractors: Require seamless access to support and claim management tools.
    • User Story: As an adjuster, I want a user-friendly interface to manage claims efficiently.
  • Homeowners: Seek information and support for their claims.
    • User Story: As a homeowner, I want clear guidance on appealing a claim decision.
  • Potential Employees: Interested in learning about itel’s culture and career opportunities.
    • User Story: As a job seeker, I want to understand itel’s work environment and available positions.
  • Investors: Need comprehensive information about itel’s operations and growth.
    • User Story: As an investor, I want detailed insights into itel’s business performance.

Site Map and Navigation

To ensure itel's new site offered intuitive navigation, particularly in the complex insurance industry, we developed a strategically organized sitemap and content matrix.

The navigation structure was designed with careful consideration of itel's diverse personas and their unique needs. It avoids the temptation to overwhelm users with a paradox of choice, instead focusing on four primary and two secondary navigation items essential for each persona.

Solutions: This section features key solutions such as pricing details, repair vs. replace assessment options, and essential itel services. It provides a pathway to explore available solutions.

Resources: This section is the knowledge hub where users could access information, training materials, and event details.

About: The "About" section provides comprehensive information about itel, including its history, key audiences, and partnerships. It highlighted the company's expertise and services tailored to various stakeholders.

Support: This section provides targeted support and resources for different user groups. It includes specific breakout information with links for adjusters, third-party service providers, wood restoration firms, and homeowners, ensured access needs-based info.

By organizing the site map and navigation in this manner, the website effectively guided users through a structured and user-friendly experience, catering to their specific needs and ensuring efficient access to relevant information and services.


Itel style Tile

The itel site boasts a professional look with modern, user-focused elements.

The design phase focused on creating a professional and high-tech aesthetic.

  • Brand Integration: Ensured the site design captured itel’s brand essence.
  • User-Centric Design: Developed user pathways to engage each key audience effectively.
  • Visual Appeal: Incorporated modern design elements to convey itel’s industry leadership.

Development with Integrations

We built the itel website using industry-leading technologies and best practices, ensuring optimal performance and functionality. This approach enhances the user experience and brings tangible benefits to our enterprise and B2B users.

The itel website uses WordPress, a widely adopted Content Management System (CMS) for enterprise and B2B websites. The platform establishes a solid base for meeting client and industry requirements.

  • Future-Proofing: The site was developed with growth in mind, leveraging WordPress's extensibility and adaptability. This future-proofing ensures that as itel’s needs evolve, the website can adapt and expand without requiring a complete overhaul. The company can expect a continuously improving platform that meets its changing needs and expectations over time.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Leveraging modern web technologies, the site was built as a Progressive Web App (PWA), optimizing it for mobile experiences, especially important for contractors and adjusters in the field. This ensured that users could access the website with the same efficiency and responsiveness as a native app, regardless of their device. Users benefit from a seamless and consistent experience across different devices, enhancing accessibility and usability.
  • Technical SEO: Advanced technical SEO strategies, including schema markup and structured data, were implemented to improve the site's search performance. This helps search engines better understand the content, enhancing visibility and ranking in search results.
  • ADA Digital Compliance: The website was meticulously designed to be fully compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards, ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with temporary or permanent disabilities. This commitment reflects itel’s dedication to inclusivity and universal access. Users can navigate the site with ease, accessing content and functionalities without barriers.

Building upon this foundation, the itel website required integrations with third-party applications to enhance its functionality and meet specific business needs.

  • Forms and Integrations: Various forms on the site were integrated with essential systems. Some forms connected directly to Salesforce, streamlining lead management and customer relationship processes.
  • Commerce: The site incorporated a secure payment function for ordering services. This integration with payment gateways provided a convenient and secure way for users to complete transactions directly on the website, boosting customer satisfaction and trust.
  • Security: Encryption was implemented for all stored data to safeguard sensitive information and ensure the highest level of security. This proactive measure locked down user data, including payment details and personal information, against unauthorized access or breaches, fostering a secure and trustworthy online environment for users.


For Day Two and Beyond

In the post-launch phase, the itel website is undergoing continuous optimization and strategic content development that leverages insights from user behavior.

This necessary ongoing effort aims to maintain SEO performance and user engagement to capture growth opportunities. By regularly updating content and monitoring key performance indicators such as pages per session, bounce rates, and conversion rates, Itel remains agile and responsive to evolving user needs and market demands.

This iterative approach supports continuous improvement, enabling itel to enhance user pathways, optimize conversion funnels, and refine the overall user experience.


Built for a World with Risks

The redeveloped itel website successfully strengthened the brand, enhanced industry thought leadership, and provided exceptional user support and experience.

By building a scalable and future-proof platform, itel is well-positioned to continue its growth and maintain its leadership in the home insurance industry. The new website stands as a testament to itel’s commitment to innovation, customer support, and industry excellence.

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