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CNC Websites Suffer from Lack of Performance

Development Newsroom
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A recent study conducted by DBS Interactive has revealed that websites in the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment and engineering industry are significantly underperforming against best practices in critical areas of website performance, searchability, and accessibility.

About the Study

The study assessed approximately 200 randomly selected websites of distributors, service and parts dealers, and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) within the CNC manufacturing sector. The evaluation used Google’s free Lighthouse tool to measure four key metrics for measuring the quality of a website’s user experience: Performance, Best Practices, Accessibility, and SEO. Alarmingly, only one website out of the entire sample achieved a score between 90 and 100 in all four categories.

Why Performance Matters for CNC Businesses

Poor performance for Lighthouse metrics can indicate a website's organic search rankings and overall visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) are compromised. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer fast load times, conform to robust best practices, and are built with accessibility and SEO in mind. As websites are often the first touchpoint for potential clients of CNC businesses, the dismal scores should raise significant concerns. Inefficient websites can drive away visiting prospects and frustrate customers, underscoring the need for CNC companies to prioritize improving their online experience to remain competitive in the digital age.

The Importance of Search in B2B Business

Websites that score poorly in these areas are likely to experience diminished organic search rankings, making them less visible to potential CNC manufacturing customers. Reduced visibility leads to a significant decrease in web traffic, limiting opportunities for CNC integrators and equipment providers to engage and convert visiting prospects into customers and sales. Studies show potential customers most often click organic search results on the first page–frequently the top three spots–and little else. They may never encounter listings on subsequent pages. CNC companies with subpar websites risk losing valuable traffic and business opportunities, making optimization a critical priority.

Performance Woes

chart shows distribution of cnc websites for google lighthouse scores

The majority of websites for CNC companies fall in the range of “Need Improvement.”

The performance component of the Google Lighthouse test evaluates various aspects of a website's page-loading time. Fast-loading websites offer quick access to critical information such as services, technical details, high-value content, and contact information. That’s not the case for many of the websites in the recent evaluation.
Over 90 percent of cnc websites need improvement based on Google Lighthouse testing

Over 90 percent of cnc websites need improvement based on Google Lighthouse testing.

At least 85% of the CNC-related sites tested fell into the “Needs Improvement” and “Poor” groups. The majority of lower-performing sites scored between 50 and 89 for the “Needs Improvement” performance range, while 37% of the websites turned in scores designated “Poor.” The lowest performance score was 2. At the other end of the spectrum, one website, Weese Precision Machine Installation & Repair Ltd.  turned in 100 for Performance. Fifteen other websites earned “Good” ratings on the Performance test with scores in the 90s.

Performance Score Highlights (Page Speed)
  • 85% had scores indicating Poor or Needs Improvement
  • One site scored 100
  • The average score was 57
  • 48% Need Improvement
  • 8% of the sites returned errors during testing

The Performance component of Google Lighthouse evaluates how quickly a webpage loads and becomes interactive for users. It checks things like how quickly the content appears on the screen (First Contentful Paint), how smoothly everything loads (Speed Index), and how soon you can start clicking and interacting with the page (Time to Interactive). Basically, it evaluates different aspects of the loading process. Most CNC-related websites need help in this area, with load times and performance scores often falling below optimal levels. The average performance score was 57, and the median was 74. Page loading times faster than 4 seconds are considered good. Of the CNC sites tested, 141 had speeds slower than that, with 116 forcing users to wait more than 6 seconds. One site took nearly 66 seconds to load, and the next closest site loaded in about 47 seconds. Akami, the cloud computing company, found that conversion rates can drop by 7% for every 100-millisecond delay in load time or a tenth of a second. That’s a lot of lost business opportunities. “Like David Lee's clutch tip in 2006 for the New York Knicks with 0.1 of a second on the clock, fast website page speed can be crucial. A lot can happen in a fraction of a second,” DBS Marketing Director Steve Fowler said. In the competitive CNC landscape, where companies vie for attention and credibility, a fast and responsive website can make a game-winning difference. AutoAnything, an e-commerce subsidiary of AutoZone, is often cited as a relevant example. Website developers cut page load times in half, increasing conversions by nine percent. Studies by Google confirm that users have little patience for slow-loading websites. Google Analytics shows that the probability of a user bouncing or leaving a website immediately increases by 32% as page load times go from 1 second to 3 seconds.

For cnc websites graphic shows the average page loading time was 9.85 seconds. The fastest time was 1.41 seconds and the slowest was 65.61 seconds

Studies show that the likelihood of a user converting decreases as page loading time increases.

Accessibility Non-Negotiable for CNC-related Sites

Pie chart shows 66 percent of websites need improvement to meet accessibility criteria

Most of the websites for CNC companies fall short of meeting the optimal standards for providing a user-friendly experience for everyone.

The persistent issue of poor website accessibility scores poses a significant challenge.  particularly within the CNC-related industry. Individuals recovering from stroke or surgery, and the aging population with reduced vision. In this study, 67% of the websites scored between 50-89 for accessibility, putting them in the “Needs Improvement” category. At the low end, one site scored 43 and 11 scored in the 50s. Although not entirely inaccessible, they fall short of meeting the optimal standards for providing a user-friendly experience for individuals with disabilities. Improving these areas can enhance inclusivity and usability for a broader spectrum of users.

Cyndi Master, Owner and CEO of DBS Interactive, expressed astonishment at the disparity, noting, "Accessibility isn't a feature, it's a fundamental aspect of user experience. Ignoring accessibility is like locking the door to your website for many potential users."

An accessible website is vital in enabling all users to navigate and interact with the site effectively. This includes individuals with age-related vision impairments, hearing difficulties, or motor skill challenges. On the high-scoring end of the spectrum, 9 sites scored 100, and 42 scored in the 90s. Search engines recognize the need for this level of user experience. Accessibility is a ranking factor for organic search performance. Low accessibility scores also raise a red flag for legal departments, always on alert for exposer to lawsuits. The Americans with Disabilities Act has been interpreted to include websites just as it requires accessibility for physical places. Despite lawsuits against notable companies like Domino's Pizza, Target, and Harvard University, companies have not come around to building and maintaining a website that complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Today that generally means the WCAG 2.1 AA criteria.

Benefits of an Accessible Website

  • Improved search engine performance
  • Positive brand reputation
  • Faster user experience
  • Improved user pathways
  • Attracts and serves a wider audience
  • Reduced legal exposure

Any Lighthouse score below 90, means the website could be a target of a lawsuit. “We’ve seen low accessibility scores across all industries,” said John Golden, Director of Development at DBS Interactive, with problems ranging from missing Alt Text and poor color contrast to inaccessible form controls and keyboard navigation issues,” he said.

Credibility and Security at Risk

Chart showing most websites for cnc companies meet https security

At least 30 percent of websites for CNC companies are not built with HTTPS.

One of the key aspects of the Best Practices test is its emphasis on web standards and optimization techniques, including security. It motivates developers to adhere to best practices for creating efficient, secure, and user-friendly websites. For instance, it verifies whether the website employs modern web technologies and standards, including responsive design for mobile devices and accessibility features for users with disabilities. The best practices test discovered that at least 61 sites were not built to current standards for security. The sites did not use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), leaving websites and users vulnerable. HTTPS ensures a secure and encrypted connection between a user’s web browser and the website. It adds an extra layer of protection to the information sent and received. “Given the risks of hacking and ransomware, sites must safeguard company security and user confidence,” Golden said. Apart from endangering digital security, a site without HTTPS often turns visitors away, leading to high bounce rates and a poor brand impression. Modern browsers show warnings, indicating that the connection is not secure. Modern browsers display warnings to users, alerting them that their connection is not secure. Visitors may question the credibility of the site, and, by extension, the company’s ability to handle sensitive information. That’s a cost that can’t be easily calculated. Overall, 65% of the sites did not meet the broader Best Practices criteria. In addition to HTTPS, the Best Practices section of the Lighthouse audit evaluates whether the site has secure outbound links, updated JavaScript libraries and APIs. Additionally, the test examines other essential practices such as specifying the HTML doctype and ensuring images are displayed at the correct resolution. Looking at the results, Golden said he’s seen firsthand the risks associated with weaknesses identified in low Best Practices scores.

The Mobile Experience Matters

Another finding in the study revealed only 1 website incorporated the Progressive Web App (PWA) technology. As more users access websites from mobile devices, performance optimization becomes essential. Methods Machines was the only website built as a Progressive Web App Google Lighthouse evaluates a website's performance on mobile devices, emphasizing the need for responsive design and efficient loading times to cater to the growing mobile user base. Websites built as PWAs are faster, more responsive, and capable of performing like an app, yet can still be indexed for search and usable as a traditional website. The architecture of a PWA supports a better user experience.

PWA Benefits

  • Fast loading time
  • Operates on poor networks
  • Small development footprint
  • Integrates app-like features
  • No app stores, no downloads
  • Instant updates

Here are easy-to-follow instructions for running the Google Lighthouse tool.

Optimizing PPC Impact for CNC Websites

The success of digital advertising campaigns hinges on a company's website performance. Like many businesses, CNC companies may supplement organic search results with paid digital advertising to increase visibility and attract potential clients. However, without an optimized website, these efforts may result in wasted ad budgets and missed opportunities for driving conversions. "Improving website performance is key for successful digital ad campaigns, Fowler said. Adding that “enhancing site performance boosts both organic and PPC results." Google's evaluation of user experience extends to websites linked to PPC campaigns, influencing the Quality Score of ads.

The Impact of Low Quality Scores

Lower Ad Placement: Websites with low Lighthouse scores may be displayed lower on the search engine results page (SERP), reducing visibility and click opportunities. Increased Cost per Click (CPC): Google rewards advertisers with higher Quality Scores by offering lower CPCs. Low scores can lead to higher costs per click, affecting overall campaign budget efficiency. Reduced Ad Extension Impact: A suboptimal website experience limits the effectiveness of ad extensions, diminishing their impact on ad visibility and user engagement. Lower Impressions and Click-Through Rates (CTR): Websites with poor performance scores may generate fewer impressions and a lower click-through rate (CTR), impacting the overall effectiveness of PPC campaigns. An optimized website provides users with an exceptional experience and contributes to better ad performance, including higher conversion and reduced bounce rates. Fowler, emphasizes the broader impact of website optimization beyond paid ads, stating, "Optimizing your website is like giving it a turbo boost in the race for search engine rankings." Optimization of a website’s performance enhances user experience, and maximizes the impact of PPC campaigns, ensuring that ad budgets are utilized effectively to drive meaningful results and conversions for automation engineering companies. Emphasizing the financial implications, Fowler said, "Nobody can afford to waste valuable marketing dollars. "Keeping Your Website Healthy Poor scores present opportunities for automation engineering firms to implement website performance improvements. Companies can document the results of the effort by tracking improved search rankings, higher click-through rates, and Lighthouse scores. “It’s an investment that benefits visitors and the bottom line,” she said.

Keeping Your Website Healthy

Almost half of the websites for CNC companies need SEO improvements

Almost half of the websites for CNC companies need SEO improvements.

The subpar scores highlight significant opportunities for CNC-related companies to implement website performance enhancements. Tracking improved search rankings and higher click-through rates allows companies to document the outcomes of their initiatives. “The study signals a clear need for improvement with only one websites achieving across-the-board scores above 90," Masters said. Given the complexities involved in optimizing websites to meet modern standards, seeking professional help can be invaluable. Companies can benefit from consulting with experts in website development, SEO, and digital marketing to address deficiencies and implement best practices effectively. “It’s an investment that benefits website visitors, and improving performance means it’s good for the bottom line,” she said. While a company often tracks website performance with Google Lighthouse, Page Speed Insights, Google Trends, etc., most CNC companies need additional expertise in the latest SEO trends and all of Google’s tools to improve search rankings, visibility, and user experiences. Investing in website performance is about meeting standards, delivering exceptional user experiences, driving conversions, and achieving sustainable growth in today's tech-driven world. Contact us about ways to improve your CNC-related website performance.

About the Website Study

DBS Interactive, a full-service digital agency in Louisville, Ky., reviewed 199 websites for CNC-related companies in June 2024. The results match previous studies for the websites of industrial and healthcare companies, indicating that the lack of adherence to best practices is common. The problems are not limited to a specific business sector. Evaluations were done on the mobile component of the Lighthouse tool because Google considers that over the desktop for organic rankings. Quick Facts

  • 16 websites scored “Good” (above 90) for Performance
  • 74 websites scored “Poor” (below 50) for Performance
  • 1 websites scored above 90 for all four test components
  • 1 websites were built as Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • The percentage of sites achieving “Good” scores on the SEO test lagged behind those needing improvement, 45% Good vs 48% Needs Improvement.

“Addressing performance issues and enhancing accessibility ensures compliance with digital standards and positions businesses for sustained success in the competitive digital landscape,” said Cyndi Masters, CEO and Founder of DBS Interactive. As CNC-related companies navigate the competitive digital landscape, the study highlights the need for a proactive approach to web development. Addressing performance issues and enhancing accessibility ensures compliance with digital standards and positions businesses for sustained success

Errors Prevented Testing Fifteen sites (8%) could not complete the battery of Google Lighthouse tests. These are designated as errors in the graphics and the list of results. There are numerous possible reasons for the testing failure.

  • Slow server response time
  • Unoptimized images or resources
  • JavaScript and CSS render-blocking
  • Large page size
  • Lack of caching mechanisms
  • Broken or incorrect links
  • Accessibility issues
  • Deprecated HTML/CSS/JavaScript features
  • Inefficient code execution
  • Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) issues


CNC-related Facilities Tested

DBS Interactive randomly selected these sites cities for testing using the Google Lighthouse audit tool. Websites scoring between 90-100 are considered to have GOOD performance. Scores ranging from 50-89 NEED IMPROVEMENT, and scores from 0-49 are considered POOR.

CompanyPerformance ResultsAccessibility ResultsBest Practices ResultsSEO ResultsPage Loading Time Seconds
Weese Precision Machine Installation & Repair Ltd.1005467672.07
Ron Mills & Co.995270691.64
C-Tech Mfg. Co. LLC9893961002.96
Ibh Automation, Inc986367691.41
First Choice Industrial, LLC96831001003.83
Leonard Machine Tool Systems968793914.33
Industeq Inc.9610078994.52
Contact Technologies Inc.968967712.40
LIMTECH Industries, Inc.958467864.45
Revolution Machine Tools9477100712.40
Elrod Machine & Manufacturing946359693.43
Foremost Machinery Corp.938074584.43
American GNC Corporation915885623.05
Ingersoll Production Systems905370696.37
Machinery Source, LLC8886100933.64
Methods Machines8810078932.57
Flashcut CNC879196865.59
CMS North America878078716.32
F.W. Derbyshire, Inc.875867692.64
Rollomatic Inc.865867692.52
Ursviken Inc.8585100843.36
PMC Industries Corp.857148673.26
Largent Sales Group LLC849678863.94
Iafrate Machine Works838396823.15
Indiana Automation, Inc.8387961007.88
Beaumont Machine837393903.60
Takisawa Machine Tool USA Corp.818681875.89
Machine Tool Camp8093100933.01
Morowat Global Ltd.801001001005.74
Maruka U.S.A., Inc.8079931005.12
NIDEC OKK USA Corporation808081753.94
Mang Systems7995100995.34
J & S Machine, Inc.787867623.08
C.G. Hill & Sons766193965.74
C N T Motion Systems758478906.57
Keystone Fastening Technologies, Inc.758274846.23
Opincar Machinery7486100983.85
Mms Miller Machinery Sales And Service748081755.32
Cold Formers USA, LLC736293581.46
Action CNC Routers & Supplies737863833.86
CMS North America, Inc.738059719.35
Axis International, Inc.738644623.90
Amex Plastic Machinery729574982.64
Premier Engineering CO71801001003.36
Creative Evolution7195100964.33
Focus Manufacturing Inc.717978936.84
Michael Fine Machinery Co.709681984.48
Sigma Design Co.709274913.44
Hillary Machinery LLC69100100974.06
Machine Tool Specialties699678984.75
Amera Seiki6982521004.27
Hitech Machinery Sales, Inc697648696.40
Myers Technology Co.6796100986.48
DiPaolo Machine Tools Ltd.677896935.89
Unison Corp.678381913.72
Revolution Machine Works678874934.50
REDPoint Laser Systems6686100996.34
Technical Equipment668593905.44
Rottler Manufacturing667578836.33
Pines Engineering6610074866.56
Pacific Machine Tools LLC6585100906.04
CNC Exchange65941001006.12
Sefortek, Inc.658896984.67
Murphy Machinery Sales, Inc659681985.91
Progressive Surface657478966.36
EMAG L.L.C.649696916.14
NUM CNC Solutions635796715.82
Ottomatics Inc637293801.69
Slidematic Precision Components637478836.33
Okuma America Corp.638556925.24
Kansas Gun Drilling, Inc.628081815.88
CNC Engineering, Inc.628978866.96
Pinnacle Machine Tools, Inc.628978906.03
Integrated Machinery Systems629074937.17
Machine Tool Builders, Inc.6170638410.25
Vibcon Corp.6094961004.53
Vinston US Corp.608770717.81
Free Force Machining Technology Inc.5994968612.49
Ditto Sales, Inc.596993863.43
CNC Zilla5990937710.30
Olympic Tool & Die5996789310.26
York Penn Machinery598574977.67
Dan's Machine Tool, Inc.597870694.43
Marubeni Citizen-Cincom, Inc.598848856.81
SMT Industries, Inc.5889100988.11
Romaxx CNC Systems5892969312.97
Billor McDowell57901009011.93
Star SU LLC579674817.90
CNC Electronics LLC5787569910.13
OptiPro Systems5781528411.30
Novakon Systems Ltd.567996904.69
Multicam, Inc.568896919.28
North Texas Machine Tool & Group5690819012.03
EZset LLC565674778.91
Konar Precision Manufacturing567374928.58
Barth Industries Co.5583967911.36
Index Corp.55747810012.12
Involute Gear554370583.14
EMCO MAIER Corporation53819610014.58
CNC Parts Dept., Inc.53100781008.08
Boucherie USA, Inc.5358789319.30
Joseph Machine Company538374847.64
Av Tech Machine Tools5179566721.43
Fastems, LLC4989569315.59
Schmiede Corp.4884788612.50
HERMLE USA Inc.478778868.52
AXYZ Routers4698678326.73
CNC New, Inc.4683528716.55
KP Walsh Associates, Inc.4577100856.21
JTEKT Toyoda Americas Corp.4586788311.80
Ingersoll CM Systems LLC4592788612.46
Biggers Machine Products4479781003.78
Industrial Tool, Inc4480597713.94
Thermwood Corp.4469488238.04
Builders Automation Machinery Co.43861009131.01
Automatics & Machinery Co.4310010010010.84
GF Machining Solutions LLC438393797.27
APSX LLC.4358788210.56
Lindquist Machine Corp.4388781005.14
KNUTH Machine Tools USA, Inc.42791008610.36
Peerless Machinery4290819011.28
Power Automation America, Inc.4296747112.97
HowesTemco, a div. of NN, Inc.428674838.54
DMG Mori4190969323.12
Jcem Usa4182817914.48
Sugino Corp.4196789612.01
Eastman Machine Company4184748412.08
Arthur Machinery, LLC4168747711.51
Cedar Hollow Sales, Inc.4084100926.70
Perfection Machinery Sales, Inc.4093529810.00
JKL Machinery398556869.92
MCNC Precision Engineering Corp.398644925.89
Moore Tool Company3870788622.90
Voortman Corp.3867748210.58
Colonial Tool Group, Inc.388774938.02
Bullen Ultrasonics3792100998.63
Glassline Corporation3784937716.80
Detroit Machine Tools3775748311.39
Mazak Corporation3768707012.25
TruCut Fabricators3766701009.55
Powermatic Foundry3691379123.76
Hurco Companies, Inc.3679268427.30
Beta Die Casting Equipment Inc.3586708514.56
Dixon Engineering & Sales Co.3594631008.75
T.A. Systems (Totally Automated Systems)3490100839.43
Delta Tau Data Systems3485419313.68
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation3378789822.23
Stainless Works337674849.05
Astro Machine Works339259839.81
GBI Cincinnati, Inc.33100339311.56
Biesse America3286968512.04
Sodick, Inc.3282747111.56
Koike Aronson Ransome3288708534.74
EZ Router, Inc.327548937.92
BLM Group USA Corp.3184568921.60
Syil America3193528911.79
DAES Group3093961005.62
Effective Production Solutions, Inc.3074789114.18
SOTECH Corp.3074749111.74
Unison North America2883749311.26
ESAB Welding & Cutting Products2790528527.54
Anderson America Corp.2791529921.19
Glenco Woodworking Machinery Inc2785489122.63
Expand Machinery, LLC267878907.97
Buffoli North America, Inc.2690487811.92
Criterion Machinery, Inc.2677449710.05
Laguna Tools248474898.83
B & G Manufacturing Company, Inc.218556928.57
NSH USA1881708512.36
AIM, Inc. (Automated Industrial Machinery, Inc.)1488899224.58
Northwest Machine Technologies1258528413.20
MDA Precision1082709124.53
Haas Automation, Inc.270787613.18
MasterControls, LLC08500error
Cheek MachineErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Ray Jacobs Machinery Co.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
EM Wave Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Calidad Machinery & Equipment, IncErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Jewett Machine, Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Kent Industrial USA, Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
United Precision ServicesErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Machine Tool Research, Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Haven ManufacturingErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Chiron America, Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Absolute Machine Tools, Inc.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
MSC Industrial Supply Co.ErrorErrorErrorErrorError
CNC High Tech MachineryErrorErrorErrorErrorError
Tsugami / Rem SalesErrorErrorErrorErrorError

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